U.S. Northern Command is working through the Federal Emergency Management Agency to support authorities in Florida, and the U.S. Virgin Islands to provide life-saving and life-sustaining relief to those in affected areas.
In the U.S. Virgin Islands, the USS Kearsarge and USS Oak Hill continue to work moving people and supplies to the islands. The ships are providing medium and heavy lift helicopter and tiltrotor aircraft to transport people, supplies and patients from St. Thomas to St. Croix. The 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit went ashore Monday to establish a forward liaison element on St. Thomas with the Army National Guard, FEMA, and Defense Coordinating officers. The Marines continue food and water distribution missions, water purification, route clearance, patient movement, and are assisting in the re-opening of the St. Thomas’ airfield.
In Florida, military assistance is being provided by U.S. Northern Command component organizations including aerial and ground reconnaissance and assessment operations, as well as supply and resupply of food and water to impacted areas. The Defense Logistics Agency continues providing supplies to the affected areas to include: 1.2 million meals a day to
Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. as well as more than 1,000 trailers with MREs, bottled water, sheeting, cots, blankets and tarps; 70,000 gallons of MOGAS, and 160,000 gallons of diesel from Fort Hood, Texas, to Warner Robbins Air Reserve Base, Ga.
The USS Abraham Lincoln arrived near the Florida Keys yesterday afternoon and its helicopters immediately began assessments and evaluations of airfields for state and local authorities. Their medium-lift capability was also used to deliver water to Marathon, Florida. USS Iwo Jima and USS New York are also off the coast and are providing assessment assistance and relief supplies.
The 3rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command from Fort Bragg, N.C., continued to move the Army's wheeled-vehicle effort called Task Force Truck toward Orlando. The convoy began movement from Fort Bragg with approximately 100 high-water vehicles and nearly 400 soldiers.
USNORTHCOM's mission is to assist lead federal relief agencies in helping those affected by Hurricane Irma to minimize suffering while continuing its mission of defending the Homeland.