December 14, 2016 –
An organizational change designed to improve the operational command and control of U.S. Northern Command’s mission areas was implemented today. Joint Task Force-North in El Paso, Texas, will now be aligned under and report directly to U.S. Army North based in San Antonio, Texas. This mirrors the command relationship retained between ARNORTH and USNORTHCOM’s Joint Task Force Civil Support in Fort Eustis, Va.
This approach to command, known as componency, enables USNORTHCOM component commands to collaboratively and creatively achieve our missions while allowing the combatant command to remain focused on its strategic theater missions.
JTF-N previously reported directly to USNORTHCOM, but this organizational change is designed to enhance the effectiveness and speed of our operations. The move will have no impact on the continued important role JTF-N plays in counter-drug and counter-Transnational Criminal Organizational missions.
Also, this move will not change the operational relationship that currently exists between USNORTHCOM and ARNORTH. The change will be transparent to people working for and doing business with JTF-N, JTF-CS, ARNORTH and USNORTHCOM.