If you are not satisfied with any adverse FOIA action, you have the right to appeal to the appellate authority Ms. Joo Chung, Director of Oversight and Compliance, Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD). The appellate address is:
ODCMO Directorate for Oversight and Compliance
Attn: DPCLTD, FOIA Appeals, Mailbox #24
4800 Mark Center Drive — Alexandria, VA 22350-1700
As an alternative you may use the OSD Public Access Link (PAL) system at https://pal.whs.mil or email your appeal to OSD.FOIAPolicy@mail.mil. If you use email, please have the words "FOIA Appeal" in the subject of the email. Your appeal should cite our case number, be postmarked within 90 calendar days of the date of this response, and be clearly marked "Freedom of Information Act Appeal" on the request. Lastly, you may seek dispute resolution services by contacting USNORTHCOM's FOIA Public Liaison at (571) 372-0462, OSD.FOIALiaison@mail.mil or via mail to the following address:
Chief, DoD FOIA Policy
Office of the Deputy Chief Management Officer
910 Defense Pentagon — Washington, DC 20301-1155