U.S. Northern Command continues to partner with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the governments of Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands and remains fully engaged in disaster relief and medical assistance to the areas affected by Hurricanes Irma and Maria.
The USS Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group has conducted eight medical evacuations, 123 airlifts and delivered 22,200 lbs of relief supplies and cargo to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands since Hurricane Maria struck. The U.S. Navy ships and the embarked U.S. Marine Corps’ 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit have also deployed a disaster response team to St. Croix to perform street clearing and commodity distribution. The ARG is also transporting the U.S. Army’s 602nd Area Support
Medical Company and the Civil Authority Information Support Element, an asset assisting FEMA with providing external communication capabilities, to begin operations today in St. Thomas. The ARG is also transporting supplies between St. Croix and St. Thomas.
The U.S. Navy is working with the U.S. Coast Guard to enable the port of San Juan to receive large ships to increase relief supply capacity.
The U.S. Air Force deployed a Regional Air Movement Coordination Center to support hurricane relief efforts. The RAMCC is responsible for coordinating all U.S. military, commercial, governmental and non-governmental aircraft flow control into and out of the ramp area at the airports in St. John and St. Croix. Operating 24 hours a day, this asset provides aircraft landing and take-off times and coordinated air traffic control with various civilian agencies.
The DoD’s U.S. Transportation Command is moving additional personnel and equipment to include, eight Army UH-60 helicopters from Ft. Campbell, K.Y. to the San Juan, Puerto Rico International Airport to increase distribution capacity. DoD has also returned the mobile communications tower to enhance air traffic control capability at St. Thomas International Airport.
DoD’s U.S. Air Force strategic airlift has delivered three FEMA Urban Search and Rescue teams to Puerto Rico and meals and water to St. Croix. Additional USAR teams and key Health and Human Services medical capabilities are scheduled to be delivered by DoD assets today.
USNORTHCOM's mission is to assist lead federal relief agencies in helping those affected by natural disasters to minimize suffering while continuing its mission of defending the Homeland.