PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. - At the request of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. Northern Command activated the Defense Coordinating Officer and Defense Coordinating Element for two FEMA regions today in support of response efforts to severe winter storms in the nation.
U.S. Army North DCO and DCE for FEMA Regions III and V are activated to provide assessment and coordinate DoD assets as required. DCOs and DCEs work very closely with federal, state, tribal and local officials to determine what unique DOD capabilities can be brought to assist in mitigating the effects of severe winter weather.
The Department of Defense designated McAlester Army Ammunition Plant, OK; Wright Patterson AFB, OH and Fort Campbell, KY as FEMA Incident Support Bases to support forward distribution of supplies and equipment to areas affected by extreme winter weather.
The Department of Defense has capabilities that save lives as well as many other unique support capabilities such as air lift, medical, communications, and catastrophic planning.
USNORTHCOM is the joint combatant command formed in the wake of the Sept.11, 2001 terrorist attacks to provide homeland defense and defense support of civil authorities.
U.S. Army North provides defense support of civil authorities as the Army component of USNORTHCOM, the combatant command at Peterson Air Force Base, Colo., that is responsible for homeland defense and civil support.