WASHINGTON, D.C - National Guard commanders from 13 states visited Joint Force Headquarters National Capital Region as part of their Contingency Dual Status Commanders' (CDSC) Conference Feb. 1. Dual status commanders can direct both federal active-duty forces and state National Guard forces in response to domestic incidents.
Maj. Gen. Karl R. Horst, JFHQ NCR commanding general, explained the capabilities of the JFHQ NCR, in order to assist them develop the concepts Contingency Dual Status Commanders' will use to provide Defense Support of Civil Authority (DSCA) operations.
The commanders are tasked with developing a CDSC training and exercise criteria for NG officers; develop a cadre of Title 10 Deputy Joint Task Force commanders to support a CDSC; develop a Joint Support Force staff element concept, that uses USNORTHCOM organizations, that is scalable to support a CDSC JTF; develop the mechanisms that will enable the immediate designation of a CDSC, and facilitate the employment of Title 10 and Title 32 forces as requested and required to effectively execute military support missions during an emergency response.
The dual-status concept, formulated by the Secretary of Defense in January 2009 and distributed in a concept paper by USNORTHCOM in August 2010, directs the creation of a leadership position where a single commander can direct federal forces and state forces to better coordinate responses to domestic incidents.
The contingency dual-status commander concept is intended to foster greater cooperation among federal and state assets during a disaster.